Monday, April 16, 2007

Thoughts and Prayers

What a world we seem to live in these days. Of all the things I had to worry about when I was 18 years old and sitting in a college classroom, being gunned down certainly was not one of them. My thoughts and prayers go out to those unfortunate young people in the prime of their lives, their friends and families, the staff at Virginia Tech who will have much to deal with in the aftermath, and the many responders to this crisis, 911 dispatchers, police, medical personnel and others, all who have had to deal with what must be overwhelming emotion at this senseless tragedy.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Yes Tamara, thanks for posting about this. My dorm freshman year was right next to the one where the first victims died. I feel like I've been in a daze all day as the amount of dead just kept rising. I feel such an immense sadness for everyone connected to this tragedy. That this could happen there--ah the preciousness and fragility of life...