Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Short Stories

Since the book club meeting I've had the time to think about some other short story collections I have read in the past year or so. I believe I mentioned the stories set in Texas. The title of the collection is Corpus Christi by Bret Anthony Johnston. Honestly I don't remember much about the stories except that I enjoyed them. He is a young writer and doesn't have any other books out.

The other writer who I definitely recommend is Grace Paley. I read Enormous Changes at the Last Moment and loved both the writing and the feeling behind the words. After reading up on her life Paley always felt like someone I would like to sit and have a cup of tea with. I would have to try hard and not ask her where the story ends and her life begins.

And just while I was writing this I remembered Flannery O'Connor. She writies some powerful short stories. Strange, memorable characters with cloudy intentions dominate the stories I have read of hers. A Good Man is Hard to Find is one of my favorites.

Anyone have any recommendations, short stories or otherwise?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kindred by Octavia Butler

Knowing that slavery was a prevalent theme in this book both attracted and repelled me. I think it is good to look at that time period in U.S. history but I knew that some of the scenes might be more violent than I would like. The violence was there but the book is written in such a way as to help someone understand the mentality of the slave and the slaveholder. And of course this is sci-fi so you get it from the perspective of someone from today. A fascinating, highly recommended read!