Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Fire Eaters by David Almond

This is the third book by Almond I've read and I grow to love his stories all the more. The world is on the brink of catastrophe during the Cuban Missile Crisis while young Bobby Burns goes about his life in the quiet environs of a forgotten seaside town. Almond weaves in the magic of past experiences and how they trail us into the present moment. So much here to ponder and reflect upon.

Old Man's War by John Scalzi

I'm still exploring the science fiction genre and I think that Scalzi's effort here is a worthy addition to the canon. When he turns 75 John Perry enters the Colonial Forces and leaves earth forever. Equipped with a new body he discovers that life is very different in the alien-populated universe. Action scenes are nicely balanced with intriguing conversations about imagined technologies and the very real human emotions of loss and hope.