Saturday, September 6, 2008

In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan

Pollan continues to impress me with this book in which he exposes the faulty science that contributes to the cult of nutritionism that runs rampant in our culture. With regards to food selection we Americans have certainly lost our way. We trust the claims of a food industry that wants us to buy their products and leave our health behind. Pollan gives recommendations for eating and they are simple reminders of common sense. Don't eat what you cannot pronounce. Stay towards the perimeter of the grocery store when shopping and try to get out of the supermarket whenever possible (i.e. farmer's markets). Don't believe the health hype printed on packaged foods--remember they are only trying to sell a product that may or may not contain "real" food. End of soapbox--let the food revolution begin with you!