Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Short Stories

Since the book club meeting I've had the time to think about some other short story collections I have read in the past year or so. I believe I mentioned the stories set in Texas. The title of the collection is Corpus Christi by Bret Anthony Johnston. Honestly I don't remember much about the stories except that I enjoyed them. He is a young writer and doesn't have any other books out.

The other writer who I definitely recommend is Grace Paley. I read Enormous Changes at the Last Moment and loved both the writing and the feeling behind the words. After reading up on her life Paley always felt like someone I would like to sit and have a cup of tea with. I would have to try hard and not ask her where the story ends and her life begins.

And just while I was writing this I remembered Flannery O'Connor. She writies some powerful short stories. Strange, memorable characters with cloudy intentions dominate the stories I have read of hers. A Good Man is Hard to Find is one of my favorites.

Anyone have any recommendations, short stories or otherwise?

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